2018 - A reverse Christmas wish list!

This year, I wanted to do something to acknowledge growth in myself and my business in 2018, but most importantly to share my gratitude for all of my experiences that have given me joy and brought me much more understanding about myself and my work.

What’s a reverse Christmas Wish List?

I kept seeing people post their wish list for their businesses in 2019, and it got me to thinking - why are we always so focussed on what we don’t yet have instead of being grateful for what we already have in our lives? Knowing that having a focus on the present moment brings you powerful presence in your business and can bring you more of what makes you feel good, always fuels my creative spark to help others to live in the moment.

So I decided to use the idea of a reverse bucket list and combine this with Christmas reflection by asking my Radiant Leaders group to share the experiences/moments and learnings that made them feel genuinely grateful from their heart, to help them bring more of doing what they love into their businesses and lives.

Here’s a condensed version of my reverse wish list, if you want to read the detail of the moments that made my transformational year, you’ll need to join my Radiant Leaders facebook group!

This year has been a year of big realisations for me! I have leaned into standing out from the crowd by being simply being myself, not who I thought I ‘should’ be despite having the knowledge I needed to experience this in all it’s emotional glory. It’s a road less travelled, but is definitely worth the blood, sweat and tears!

The things I am truly grateful to have experienced and taught me so much in 2018;

  1. Rising above the bad times and gaining perspective on my bigger picture - it’s so easy to get lost in the detail of life but my mindfulness practice frankly has saved my life this year! The ups and downs of business can make or break you but if you can keep your focus when things get crazy it can be a game changer.

  2. Going deeper and peeling off another layer created a beautiful space for me to grow - Although doing the deeper work can bring up a lot of fear of facing the unknown, it also brings huge rewards as it opens up the space you need to stay creative and motivated in your business.

  3. Learning that ‘nothing’ is in fact everything! - Spending time in nature quietly observing and noticing the beauty and stillness of our earth is really a great and little known business secret to being able to slow down to speed up. Connecting with myself and the world this way has brought me great focus and clarity with my vision and work this year.

  4. Getting brave and sharing my story - I was grateful to be able to connect with some incredible people and share my story in various ways, from online interviews, to workshops, public speaking and two published books. Sharing your story is not really for you, it’s for other people as it inspires them to grow in their own unique way and do the same.

  5. True gratitude has to be felt deep inside - you hear/read people talking about gratitude and how it changes our businesses, but if you don’t really feel it, you’re just sharing it on social media, writing it in an affirmation or journal or chanting it over and over! Feeling grateful - truly grateful for what you have right here right now is where it’s at.

  6. Life is for living - experience is absolutely the only way to learn and grow - this year has been all about getting out there and making connections, without actually getting out from behind your laptop you’re not really living! Get out there and connect!

  7. I have become my own heroine this year - one of the quotes that has really influenced me this year is ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’ Gandhi. There really is nothing quite like changing your outer world by committing to your inner transformation. It shifts your energy and opens up new connections and experiences that align with who you really are.

  8. My 2018 vision came true! - I set powerful intentions this year to let go of some very old habits, bring myself into closer alignment, open up space for new connections and to host meditations and my first retreat - all of which came to fruition! I connect regularly through meditation to my vision for my life and work and this creates a powerful connection and direction for me. When you connect to your vision in this way, you can attract what you deeply desire and the world rises up to meet you!

I cannot express enough how grateful I feel for the moments I have been blessed to experience this year. Reflecting in this way has made me realise how important it has been to be in s state of ‘being’ instead of doing. To feel my way through the ups and downs of life and to appreciate every moment.

I’d love to hear what you are grateful for this year and how it has changed what you want more of in 2019.


The Tree of Life and ME


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