My sessions give you ‘SUPER VISION’

I firmly believe that coaching is helping to rebuild the world and I like you want to be a part of that vision! The coaches that I work with have a strong sense of purpose and make a strong positive impact with their practice.


Such a powerful session, thank you for this space we are co-creating ✨

I believe in YOU

Coaching can require a lot of our energy, time and focus and this can sometimes lead to getting stuck, feeling overwhelmed or even burned out. We can get caught up in the experience and energy of coaching and can occasionally become lost down ‘rabbit holes’ losing the focus of the coaching session and our client and our own emotional ‘stuff’ can even get mixed up with our practice. 

I feel blessed to have experienced Karen’s supervision coaching.  Karen is a presence of pure love and she held the safest of space where I was able to go deep and realise the true nature of who I am. This allowed me to experience the love within me, connect with the guiding force of my heart, and bring more power to my coaching.  
— Natasha Hawtrey-Woore

As a coach, you know the importance of a safe non-judgmental space to replenish, re-energise and learn from and within yourself and your coaching practice to ensure that you are meeting professional standards. Time with another professional to bounce off new ideas and concepts, and to reflect on your coaching practice and renew and reconnect with your principles and values is an empowering space.

When you have a vision to grow and expand your coaching business, wishing to be challenged, ensuring that your practice is kept ‘clean and fresh’, powerful and transformative, Supervision can support you with all of these things and more!

Karen provides flexible offers for both new and seasoned coaches.

I just wanted to say again how supportive and insightful our last session was.

Hearing myself express and also your reflections and channelling again has been brilliant.

Vanessa Lynham - Blooming Unique Soul

“The wonderful thing is that vision is greater than baggage.”

-Stephen COVEY

What are the main benefits of investing in coaching supervision with me?

  • Provides a safe and confidential container for you to share, explore, learn and grow

  • Re-energises and revitalises your practice

  • Explores what’s coming up in client sessions and moves you beyond the challenge

  • Supports and encourages good boundary setting and professionalism

  • Enhances your reflective practices

  • Opens up new areas of coaching competency 

  • Deepens your coaching presence and self-belief

  • Gets you ‘back on track’

  • Increases the range of your interventions and tools

  • Offers and explores new perspectives

  • Gives you and opens you up to constructive feedback

  • Builds your ‘internal’ supervisor

  • Offers a space to experiment and learn

  • Provides space and time with another active working professional coach

  • Works systemically – with the coach, the client, and the wider context

  • Ensures that standards and ethics are maintained

Supervision with me is:

  • A co-creative space where we explore a solution-focused approach together.

  • A supportive empathetic space to not just bring your challenges and obstacles but also to celebrate your successes as a coach.

  • An energetic space to expand your belief in yourself and be a positive and encouraging voice for you to grow powerfully as a coach.

  • A catalytic space to help you to become challenged and empowered.