Thrive not Survive Campaign #WomenWhoThrive
Enough! I’m starting a Thrive Not Survive campaign this week! We’ve been running on the hamster wheel of exhaustion for long enough, going round on the carousel of overwhelm for too many years, putting ourselves down for not achieving our goals and not getting there!
This is NOT what life is about.
Life is about experiencing and bringing your FULL self to the world. It’s about waking up to becoming more conscious of our thoughts, our fears, our responsibility to the world, our true power!
Inside us all are the answers to what the world needs, but we are suppressing this power by accepting fear into our hearts and minds. We are numbing out pain and therefore remaining asleep not fulfilling our full potential! Most of us haven’t even scratched the surface of our full potential because we are living life by upside down rules that are not allowing us to have a relationship with our inner world. We need to allow more space for our dreams, our visions, our purpose. But because we are going round in circles of constant action, constant trying hard to ‘get there’ where ever that is! we have forgotten to live now, in the present.
We are living in a world where everything outside of ourselves is deemed more pressing and important than our well-being and our true power of vision and creativity.
I see so many women pushing too hard, berating themselves for not getting somewhere, seeing their time running out to live out their vision for their lives and that’s causing massive overwhelm.
The TRUTH is you don’t have to live like this. You CAN wake up to the real world and live without this roundabout of overwhelm and procrastination, personal criticism and self-doubt.
This week, I’m running this campaign on social media and I am sharing one of these top tips each day to help your awareness of when you are going into fear and overwhelm.
Practice speaking your truth every day - It’s OK to stick up for yourself and act from a place of your values, your integrity and your well-being. Speak from your heart in your daily life.
Be your best self by creating each moment - Remember that you have the power inside you to determine how you feel. We are constantly creating our future so take a few moments every now and then in your day to ask yourself “ Am I creating the way I want to live right now in this moment”?
Don’t settle for less! - It is your BIRTHRIGHT to be happy and feel alive. Your thoughts may try and tell you different, but the reality is that you are free and have infinite power inside you.
Look to the light - Every day! But especially on those days when you’re feeling defeated, unmotivated or in fear of taking action that you know is your calling. Seek out happy experiences!
Stop denying your truth - Get real honest with yourself about who you are & get clear on your values! There are jewels of wisdom buried inside you that hold your unique value in the world.
Seek support and assurance - have faith in yourself and the bigger picture and people and opportunities will begin to become visible to you. Ask for help - a biggie I know but it’s a massive game changer when you do! I recently had a round of coaching that supported me through a bout of overwhelm and it’s changed my perception to clarity and focus again.
Be flexible - you always always have choice! Some of the greatest leaders have tried and changed direction when something didn’t fit. It’s more important to be true to yourself than to continue doing something that doesn’t work! Seek out things that bring you more satisfaction and less pressure.
And last but very much not least:
GROUND YOURSELF EVERY SINGLE DAY - Get outside for a short time each day to ground yourself in nature’s energy, consciously breathe in and out slowly, and take this time to use your senses to connect. Enjoy just being for a few moments.
I’d love it if you’d share your own tip for keeping fear and overwhelm at bay using #WomenWhoThrive and #ThriveNotSurvive
I’ll also be sharing practical tips in my Facebook group Radiant Leaders. Join in here.