How I Support YOUR Ascension

My role is to:

Move you into complete clarity and certainly, knowing your true nature, your unique magic and what you're here to learn and grow through. I empower you with personal and business mastery, enabling you to work in complete flow with your unique energies - maximizing the opportunities at the right times in your life and work.


  • Qualified Principle Led Coach Supervisor (Accredited by Progress Academy and Approved by The Institute of Leadership and Development.)

  • Accredited Principle Led Coaching Supervisor (ILM)

  • Accredited Soul Energetics Practitioner (IPHM)

  • Accredited Firewalking Instructor and Breakthrough Activities Coach (IPHM)


Working in unison with natural energies is a long-forgotten skillset. My coaching and teachings are based on the abundance and expansiveness of our natural world and the laws of the universe.

  • Divine unity – all is intrinsically connected beyond senses.

  • All is energetic vibration and in constant motion – we can increase or decrease our frequency in response.

  • Everything we see is a reflection of what happens on the inside, for us, not too us.

  • Gratitude is a super power.

  • What we focus on will expand.

  • Life works with cycles and a harmony of chaos.

Nature and the elements help us to understand how to work with the universe, for example;

  • Water activates a state of calm and healing tranquillity within us.

  • The sun elevates our frequency.

  • The moon strengthens our intuition.

  • The rain cleanses your auric field.

  • Trees can absorb negative energies.

  • Using intention is a powerful way to create change.

  • Meditation/being present in nature grounds and brings clarity to us.

If this way of ‘being’ and leading your soul’s mission opens up your curiosity and thirst for more, take a look at the current ways you can work with me below;