How I Support YOUR Ascension
My role is to:
Move you into complete clarity and certainly, knowing your true nature, your unique magic and what you're here to learn and grow through. I empower you with personal and business mastery, enabling you to work in complete flow with your unique energies - maximizing the opportunities at the right times in your life and work.
Qualified Principle Led Coach Supervisor (Accredited by Progress Academy and Approved by The Institute of Leadership and Development.)
Accredited Principle Led Coaching Supervisor (ILM)
Accredited Soul Energetics Practitioner (IPHM)
Accredited Firewalking Instructor and Breakthrough Activities Coach (IPHM)
Working in unison with natural energies is a long-forgotten skillset. My coaching and teachings are based on the abundance and expansiveness of our natural world and the laws of the universe.
Divine unity – all is intrinsically connected beyond senses.
All is energetic vibration and in constant motion – we can increase or decrease our frequency in response.
Everything we see is a reflection of what happens on the inside, for us, not too us.
Gratitude is a super power.
What we focus on will expand.
Life works with cycles and a harmony of chaos.
Nature and the elements help us to understand how to work with the universe, for example;
Water activates a state of calm and healing tranquillity within us.
The sun elevates our frequency.
The moon strengthens our intuition.
The rain cleanses your auric field.
Trees can absorb negative energies.
Using intention is a powerful way to create change.
Meditation/being present in nature grounds and brings clarity to us.
If this way of ‘being’ and leading your soul’s mission opens up your curiosity and thirst for more, take a look at the current ways you can work with me below;