I'm done with being unkind to myself! Share the love...

I am declaring war on unkindness…

What will it take to stop those negative thoughts of not doing enough, not being enough, not achieving enough?

What are we all trying to achieve anyway? Where are we all rushing off to anyway?

As I am recovering from an illness at home at the moment, I don’t have much choice to rest as I’m still a bit weak after being incapacitated. It’s #WorldKindnessDay today too, and as I was playing with some graphics I decided to write myself a little note to remind me to be kinder to myself today. I really don’t need to rush back into my business, rush to try and join in on social media, rush to get all the jobs completed in my home, rush rush rush. The voice in my head telling me I have to get strong, I have to be back achieving again asap otherwise ‘this’ ‘that’ ‘the other’…

My little note to self!

My little note to self!

This is the note I added to my desktop.

I then thought I wonder who else is feeling like they need this message today?

So I just started sending it on messenger to a few people, then I thought I’ll just keep sending it to a few more, and a few more. Before I knew it I was feeling the compulsion to send it to everyone. I was a little worried that people might think I was spamming them! A little reminder, we all need it don’t we? We can all be so unkind to ourselves through our thoughts and actions without really realising it.

I had an amazing response from many, I was astounded really! Here are just a few and they are still coming back to me. If you want to feel better, first do something for others!


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